Relax, put your feet up...


We can take care of the housework for you!

All packed...but dreading the clean?


We can take care of the exit clean for you!

Love to Party - Hate to Clean?


We offer a before & after party cleaning service!

Scared to even look at your to do list?


We can take care of your to do list with our maintenance services!

Need To Relax

Moving House

Party Time

To Do List

Our services give you more time to relax & enjoy life!

Regular Cleaning

Worry-free service you can count on time and time again... and we guarantee it.

Bond Cleaning

We ensure your property is ready for sale, or ready to get your bond back.

Specialised Cleaning

Don't clean, let us - so you can relax & enjoy the company of your guests!

Home Maintenance

For all those small jobs around the house, we’re here to help.

A Time to suit You!

Our home cleaning services are available weekly, every other week, monthly or one-time. On every visit, our team dusts, vacuums, and cleans each room. Using our equipment and products, we clean from left to right, top to bottom, so no detail is overlooked.

Why chose us?

Our cleaning services are thorough, consistent and customised. If you would like to request a special service, change your cleaning schedule, or skip an area in your home, just let us know! We are happy to fulfill every request in order to exceed your expectations.

Our Checklist System

Our checklist system means you can relax, knowing our 24hr Satisfaction Guarantee is backed by a commitment to service excellence. Everytime your service is completed the staff member will log in and complete a service checklist, which is immediately sent back to the office.

Donec libero lacus, elementum sit amet sagittis eget, sagittis pellentesque erat. Ut in varius justo. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis sed augue mi, in volutpat elit. In eget mauris id urna mollis tincidunt sit amet a felis. In pretium, mi id ultricies placerat, neque massa consequat lectus, et molestie enim mi sed lectus. Morbi tempor, nunc a consectetur vestibulum, turpis odio ultrices nulla, vitae euismod orci metus id elit.

Sed mollis tempus eros, non imperdiet purus tincidunt quis. Curabitur non massa odio. Maecenas quis pretium urna. Praesent at quam mi, a egestas magna. Nunc aliquam felis vel sem pretium faucibus. Nam condimentum, leo sit amet sagittis blandit, turpis augue molestie lectus, vitae vehicula tortor nibh eget metus. Etiam eu magna neque. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris iaculis, justo a lobortis ultrices, lectus metus tincidunt ipsum, ac tempor leo tellus in nisl. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum at dui odio.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras eu tellus in sem gravida tincidunt. Vestibulum quis imperdiet felis. Vivamus suscipit consequat augue, vitae convallis risus placerat eget. Maecenas sit amet ligula leo. Praesent vitae molestie massa.

Cras eu dui ligula. Aliquam viverra, mauris in ultricies congue, metus nulla lobortis ipsum, eu commodo velit purus nec quam. Aliquam pellentesque rutrum ligula, sed faucibus neque dictum a. Maecenas semper vulputate tellus non ullamcorper. Vivamus sit amet pellentesque velit. Donec porttitor, nulla a tincidunt luctus, felis lacus luctus quam, quis lobortis lacus nisi porttitor leo. Quisque vitae velit eu neque adipiscing tempus vel quis risus.

Curabitur ut auctor elit. Donec scelerisque bibendum turpis ultrices auctor. Sed dignissim posuere dolor et imperdiet. Cras vulputate aliquet odio vel consequat. Integer mauris arcu, tempor ultricies bibendum vel, cursus non nisl. Nullam leo lectus, vestibulum vel condimentum a, adipiscing at turpis. Aliquam id mauris sapien. Praesent vehicula nisi ut turpis condimentum vel pharetra nunc malesuada. Quisque posuere porta eros vitae luctus. Proin sagittis nunc non purus cursus feugiat pulvinar magna adipiscing. Sed vel odio at ante molestie porta ac sed magna.

24hr Satisfaction Guarantee

24hr Satisfaction Guarantee


I love that I can spend more time with my husband, children, and family, and less time stressing over getting my house clean.

I can say without hesitation that Everything Home Services is fantastic! They go above and beyond my expectations each time they clean my home. The staff is careful, thorough, reliable, and trustworthy. What more could you ask for?

I loved coming home to a clean, fresh smelling home and being able to relax and spend time with my family instead of worrying about housework. Thank you so much!

These guys do an excellent job! They also pay attention to my specific requests.
Thanks for making my weekends so much more relaxing!
